eStudent Stretch

The sedentary lifestyle of a college student and the pressure of getting all their work done, can lead to stress - and TOO MUCH STRESS can affect your grades and your health.
Introducing eStudent Stretch - online stretching exercises you can do at your desk, in the library, or at a coffee shop when you need a little break from your studies to relax and re-invigorate.

This program was inspired by Cyberstretch, an ergonomic aid and stretching regimen used in the business world, originally developed by Jazzercise, Inc.

Sample stretch images from the program.

Before you start, here are a few things to know.


  • Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. You should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise program.
  • By performing any of the exercises in this program, you assume ALL risks of injury from doing so. Cynosure New Media, Inc., is NOT responsible or liable for any injury or loss resulting from participation in this exercise program.
  • STOP exercising immediately if you experience pain, soreness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, headache, nausea, sickness, illness, dehydration, excessive sweating, or any other discomfort. If any of these symptoms persists after you stop exercising, seek medical help immediately.
  • This exercise program and the class tutorials and instructions provided in this program are NOT intended, and should NOT be used, as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • Cynosure New Media, Inc. makes NO representation or warranty, whether express or implied, with respect to the safety, usefulness, or the result of this exercise program.


  • The program is completely self-paced. There is no specified time for completion.
  • Because there are no student accounts or retention of personal information, there is no bookmarking features.