Understanding Your Motivation

Motivation takes many forms; some call it willpower; others call it drive or determination. Your ability to understand the dynamics of motivation allows you to have greater control over it.

Once you have identified which factors influence your level of motivation you will be better able to recognize what causes poor motivation and make the necessary changes.

Piece of paper printed with "What Motivates You?" is thumb-tacked to a cork board.

Before you start, here are a few things to know.


  • The content of this program is presented in a single topic.
  • Your progress is monitored. You must successfully complete the topic to complete the program.
  • There are some questions at the end of the topic so you can evaluate your learning and identify information you would like to review. Don't worry, it's not a test and it's not graded. We call it a, "Check on Learning."


  • The program should only take about 30 minutes to complete.
  • Because there are no student accounts or retention of personal information, there is no bookmarking features. Users must complete the program in one session to be able to print a completion certificate at the end of the program.