While it often doesn't feel like it, it's common knowledge that the administrators, faculty, and staff already where too many hats. We're here to help you put some of those hats on a hook where they belong. Programs and tutorials on eStudent Success address the overlaps and redundancies found between campuses.
Far from being generic presentations, eStudent Success programs customize-on-the-fly to present content relevant campus information based on the college/university selected by the user upon entry into the program.
NOT one-size-fits-all or even one-size-fits-most, but student specific content that adapts in real-time to the user's input.
Call if what you will. We just call it, "Build Once - Use Many." Our programs draw from information maintained in our database of all public colleges or universities in the United States (updated twice annually).
For example.
These programs automatically populate with your campus name and referenced websites. Users can also print a certificate of completion at the end any program to validate their program completion.
You can reference these programs how ever they best suit you and the needs of your students.
In early 2023, Cynosure and eStudent Success launched a program designed to provide a comprehensive, complete, campus-specific new student orientation program that promises to eliminate the cost and hassle colleges face to create, host, update, and maintain their online new student orientation program.